Tauranga, Bay of Plenty
secure document destruction services & innovative
waste solutions.
We understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive information while embracing sustainable practices. Our dedicated team is here to provide secure and efficient solutions, including waste solutions for those hard-to-recycle items, tailored to your unique needs. Trust us to protect your confidentiality and support effective waste recycling efforts.

100% Locally owned & Operated
Hi, I’m Michael, and alongside my wife Te-Aumihi, we took the reins of Confidential Document Destruction in December 2022. Committed to upholding the outstanding service established by the previous owners, we’re thrilled to embark on this journey and make a positive impact in the waste sustainability realm.
Locally owned and operated, Confidential Document Destruction (CDD) is based in MT Maunganui and extends our services to residents and businesses in Tauranga, Katikati, Te Puke, Whakatāne,Kawerau and Rotorua. With a focus on local excellence and a passion for diverting waste from landfill, we look forward to offering innovative waste soultions, while delivering an efficient and reliable service to our customers.